AFM Ltd comprises a highly skilled multidisciplinary team of materials scientists, engineers and physicists with over 100 years combined experience gained in both industrial and academic R&D environments. The founders of the company have been working together for over 18 years and have successfully transferred over £3m of technology into industry over the last 10 years.
Tim has a BTech and PhD in Materials Science and Technology, and over 20 years experience in ceramic materials and processes. After leading a successful research team at ICI, he joined the Department of Metallurgy and Materials at the University of Birmingham where he is Professor of Functional Materials and Devices, and leads the Functional Materials Group. Tim is the author of over 200 publications, named inventor on 5 patents and co-founder of the company.
Applications Director - Prof Sandy Cochran Sandy has over 20 years experience in transducer modelling and design, ultrasound applications, including underwater sonar and non-destructive testing, as well as biomedical diagnosis and therapy. He is Deputy Director of the Institute of Medical Science and Technology (IMSaT) at the University of Dundee, where he is also Team Leader in Medical Untrasound, and has published approximately 150 papers and managed many R&D programmes.
The team has established a strong track record for the development of successful technologies across the materials spectrum, working with large and small companies throughout the world. Collaborators have included: